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Ellinorts Ice Cream Are Guinness World Record Breakers

Ellinorts Ice Cream Are Guinness World Record Breakers

It’s official we are World Record Holders. We as part of the team of 84 vans today entered into the Guinness Book of Records. Ice cream vans from all over the British Isles one even from Belgium set off from Crewe on a route and distance as laid down by Guinness Records. With 84 Vans chiming as they went the site and sound was quite special.
We await our personal certificate as official record holders which will be displayed in the van.


Warm Belgian Waffles

Warm Belgian Waffles

Introduced in 1958 at the Brussels expo by Maurice Vermersch and served originally with strawberry’s and whipped cream the Belgium waffle has become one of the most loved dessert items especially with ice cream. Known at first as a Bel-Gem-waffle we are very happy to now offer these as additional part of our very extensive ice cream menu.

The warm waffles are served with toppings of choice however on the selected vans trialling these caramel and butterscotch with fudge is proving to be the most popular.



New Flavours Of Ice Cream for sale this week

New Flavours Of Ice Cream for sale this week

We are trialling some new flavours this week and if popular may add them to our extensive menu. Some of the new Kelly’s of Cornwall flavours are,






Which one will you choose to try ?


(new flavours being trialled on selected vans only)


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