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Ice Cream The key To Happiness

Ice Cream The key To Happiness

The key to Happiness…

We’ve all seen the films. Girl and boy break up and the classic scene where she sits on the sofa, mascara like a river down her face and in her hands, a massive tub of Ben & Jerry’s. So this raises the question, does ice cream really comfort us? And more so, can it provide us with actual Happiness?

Scientist discovered that a serving of Ice Cream does in fact bring pleasure to the centre of the brain, a similar reaction to winning money – perhaps not equal to winning millions on the lottery but hey, it’s something.

The Neuroscientists at the Institute of Psychiatry lead by Professor Michael Brammer, run FMRI scans on student volunteers who were eating vanilla ice cream and the results will please everyone. They found immediate effects on the brain, or the Orbitofrontal Cortex (OFC) to be exact, which is where emotional processing and decision making comes from. The Ice Cream played a positive effect on the area; in fact it gave a positive effect to another 5 areas of the brain! All of these areas combined with the Retrosplenial Congulate lead to one simple result. The person was emotionally happy because of the ice cream!

So there you go, science says so. Science says if your sad, go see your local ice cream Van and get a delicious whippy because you will feel better right away.  Great News!

Tasty Ice Cream serverd at Low Emissions Event


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