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Ice Cream Van Near Me

Ice Cream Van Near Me

There is always a Ice cream van near to you. Well it will be once you request one as we allocate ice cream vans all over the UK,so long as its viable for us and you. With Ellinors Instant response service it is often only a short wait before a ice cream van offering delicious tasty fresh ice creams arrives at your requested destination.Is it always better to pre-book in advance?, Yes of course there is always a better guarantee of booking with more notice,but sometimes a sunny day at work triggers that instant desire for something cool and refreshing.

Our booking team are always on hand to help with your requirements.

Ellinors Ice cream Van Hire will enhance any event,private hire,party,staff team building days,weddings and much more.

Ice Cream Vans

Ice Cream Vans


Ice Cream Sundaes were created when it became illegal to sell ice cream with flavoured soda on a Sunday in the American town of Evanston during the late 19th century. Some traders got round it by serving it with syrup instead, calling it an ‘Ice Cream Sunday’ and eventually replacing the final ‘y’ with an ‘e’ to avoid upsetting religious leaders. Britain has the third highest consumption of ice cream in Europe at around 8 litres per person per year, but consumption has little connection with sunshine as we fall behind the Danes and the Swedes. None of us match the Americans though, who get through a staggering 21 litres per person each year.


Most ice cream contains more milk protein weight for weight than is present in milk itself.

The first real evidence of the existence of a form of ‘ice cream’ originates from China’s Tang period (A.D. 618-97).

King Tang of Shang had among his staff 94 ice men who helped to make a dish based on buffalo milk, flour and camphor.

Hokey Pokey is a traditional name for ice cream and originated from the early ice cream vendors who peddled their wares shouting “Ecco un poco” – try a sample.

Ice cream is now considered a food rather than a hot weather treat as 90% of homes have freezers. In Europe, water ices first appeared in the early 1660’s in Paris, Naples, Florence and Spain and the first documented evidence of ice cream in England was published in 1672 during the reign of Charles II. At the Feast of St George in 1671 the only table to be served ices was the King’s, with one plate of white strawberries and one plate of ice cream.

The people of Scotland and Northern Ireland eat more ice cream on average than those in England and Wales. Surveys have shown that men are more likely to choose ice cream as a dessert than women.

Flavours you’d never have thought of and yet they’re commercially available:
Sorbets – Smoked Salmon, Tomato Ice Creams – Cheese, Chilli.

The ice cream cone is the most environmentally friendly form of packaging. A Syrian from Damascus, Ernest E Hamwi is credited with its invention. Apparently, during the 1904 St Louis World’s Fair, his waffle booth was next to an ice cream vendor who ran short of dishes. Hamwi rolled a waffle to contain ice cream and the cone was born.

What do ice cream vans do in the winter

What do ice cream vans do in the winter

Ellinor’s ice cream vans usually look to park up in the winter after all the firework events and School Christmas visits. Does the work finish? Well no. One of the first jobs is stripping the vans bare inside of stock ready to carry out the many maintenance jobs, did you know the ice cream machine has approx forty moving parts so some need work and some need replacing. One van each year is booked in for a complete body respray which keeps the fleet looking polished. The vans are deep cleaned and the staff are looking to a few weeks well earned rest. It isn’t long before its time to start again, the vans all get booked in for a full service and ice cream machinery servicing as well. Once again the vans are given a very deep clean and time to order new utensils and items required for the season ahead.

Now work really begins in early February where Ellinor’s visit trade shows. Taste everything and speak to all the manufacturers and suppliers. Everyone ice cream related are at the shows Walls, Nestle, Treats, Stella the list goes on. Ellinor’s find out products that are being delisted and new ones coming to the UK. Sometimes we have a good idea and sometimes there are complete surprises, who could guess Walls were going to stop the famous mint feast in 2017. Sometimes hard decisions have to be made for instance the iconic Fab lolly, it would be nice to keep this for sentimental reasons and historically the oldest continuous name lolly brand but it unfortunately is so small now the company can’t justify the retail price for their customers. After this it’s careful consideration of what our customers have said to us, what was popular last season and what was not. As one of the leading ice cream companies it’s also about what’s trending and what is around the next corner public tastes and fashions are ever evolving so keeping the menus fresh and new helps the company to lead the way. Once all things are considered its time to start designing and planning the new menu for the oncoming season, company spokesperson Bonita Ellinor said “its very exciting to introduce the new menu’s to our customers and see the reaction to new products and inventions of our own, one I really think will be a hit this year is the new white chocolate and cookies Magnum”.

The booking office are very busy already by February sending out quotes for Weddings, Corporate hire days and year on year returning customer’s that like to book early to guarantee an Ellinor’s ice cream van at their event.

Its all about cleaning again top to bottom then restocking the vans, if the weathers kind by the end of February its all out and full steam ahead for the season. Watch out for an Ellinor’s ice cream van on a street or event and see what’s new for this year there are lots of yummy surprises in store for you.

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